Areas of expertise

Family, Succession and Property Planning


Family and Succession Law is certainly one of the most delicate and complex areas of law. It encompasses a multitude of emotions, feelings, and the most precious assets in people’s lives, while Property Planning is the key to preserving family property (individual or family business).

Such areas therefore encompass the well-being of generations and the perpetuation of their businesses, both in life and after the loss of loved ones. Dealing with such matters requires, in addition to the vast technical capacity and experience of the legal operator, a great deal of sensitivity and skill in legal counseling, since intimate and complex issues will be faced, which cause great emotional and psychological stress to those involved.

With this in mind, our firm has an extremely qualified, experienced, and facilitating team that always aims for maximum prevention and better conflict resolution. It has a strong consulting and litigation practice, acting in a practical and multidisciplinary way.

About the Centre

Our Family, Succession, and Estate Planning Centre has, for strategic reasons, its coordination concentrated in our headquarters in São Paulo, but it operates nationwide.

The professionals that make up the Centre are highly qualified, with specialization in the referred areas of Law, as well as acting in consulting and litigation, having more than 10 (ten) years of recognized experience in the market.


Family and Succession Advisory

  • Preparation of wills;
  • Drafting of prenuptial agreements;
  • Drafting of stable union covenant;
  • Property system analysis;
  • Stable union and dating contract;
  • Appointment of guardians and trustees;
  • Advice for making donations;
  • Agreements related to Family and Succession matters;
  • Drafting of legal opinions related to Family and Succession matters.

Family and Succession Litigation

  • Divorce and judicial and extrajudicial separation;
  • Separation of bodies;
  • Stable Union (recognition and dissolution);
  • Distribution, oversharing, and probate;
  • Judicial and extrajudicial inventory;
  • Will (opening, registration, fulfillment, annulment and reduction);
  • Petition of inheritance and right of representation;
  • Guardianship, trusteeship and interdiction;
  • Alimony (application for grant, revision, exoneration and execution);
  • Guardianship and cohabitation regulation;
  • Parentage (investigation and recognition of paternity and adoption);
  • Rectification of seat (civil register, marriage, death, birth);
  • Multiple parents (registration of more than one parent).

Property Planning

  • Assessing the property situation in view of past acts and future projects of the family or family business;
  • Structuring and/or organizing family and family business property in view of the succession issue;
  • Anticipation of inheritance through donations with reservation of usufruct and drafting of wills;
  • Incorporation of companies (holding companies, real estate and/or equity) aiming at estate planning;
  • Reorganization of family or family business property through the adoption of new legal structures that involve family or corporate governance and that generate more efficiency under all legal aspects to the assets of individuals;
  • Drafting shareholder or quotaholder agreements and minutes regarding succession issues, governance with the creation of a family council, and structuring the management of the family business.
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