1. Anne Carolline Wilians
  2. Partner

Lawyer, administrator, founder and president of the Nelson Wilians Institute (INW). A specialist in Social Innovation Management, with a background in Public Policy, she recently launched the book “Female Social Entrepreneurship”. Committed to social justice, it is directly linked to the cause of vulnerable youth and women. As president of INW, he leads social projects and initiatives focused on Law and Education, which have alreadý benefited more than 60,000 people in all states of the country. The INW president is also one of the founders of the Justiceiras Project – a multi- and interdisciplinary project aimed at girls and women who are victims of domestic violence in Brazil and abroad. With about eight thousand volunteers, the project has already ́ assisted more than 8.3 thousand people.

Areas of expertise

Third Sector


Law Degree from Universidade Anhembi Morumbi Bachelor in Administration and Business Anhembi Morumbi University Postgraduate Diploma in Social Innovation Management by the Amani Institute Specialization in Social Impact Measurement by Insper

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We meet any and all corporate legal demands

Areas of expertise  

Physical presence in all Brazilian states and international operations

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