Areas of expertise



Brazil is still the leading country in the number of labor lawsuits in the world. The laws that govern Labor Law are broad, making it necessary for companies and entrepreneurs to be constantly updated with the most modern understandings of the courts nationwide.

About the Centre

Our Labor Center provides advisory services in both litigation and consulting/preventive areas, guiding regarding the correct application of individual and collective labor legislation.

Due to our multidisciplinary characteristic, our performance is marked by the integration with other areas of law, such as civil, tax, and corporate, relying on highly qualified professionals prepared for all types of services in a personalized manner.

The preparation of a procedural strategy, carried out individually for each lawsuit, by the Litigation Labor Team, is a differential, bringing countless benefits to clients, notably because in this way it is possible to verify the focal points that are subsidizing and increasing the company’s labor liabilities.

In the same format, it acts preventively with the companies, bringing to its clients many benefits, such as the reduction of costs with labor lawsuits, adequacy and regularization of the labor/company structure with the employees and collaborators.


Labor Litigation:

  • Individual claims;
  • Collective actions and public civil actions filed by labor unions and the Labor Public Ministry (MPT);
  • Administrative proceedings resulting from inspections by the Labor Public Ministry and the Ministry of Labor and Employment;
  • Personalized accompaniment in all courts;
  • Preparation of management reports with procedural and statistical data for monitoring, evaluating, and managing labor litigation;
  • Strategic conflict management and collective bargaining

Labor Consulting:

  • Drafting of legal opinions on labor matters;
  • Assistance in drafting labor contracts, collective bargaining agreements, internal policies, among others;
  • Advice on collective negotiations;
  • Conducting workshops and training related to labor issues;
  • Evaluation of labor liabilities;
  • Conducting legal audits to support merger, acquisition, and internal restructuring processes;
  • Labor Compliance;
  • Preparation and application of Agreement Projects and Policies;
  • Economic Profit Project.

Elaboration of the ARO Report – Analysis of Risk and Opportunity in which it is possible to carry out a diagnosis of the legal procedures and documents related to the HR processes, Labor Relations, and Personnel Department, showing the stage the company is at in relation to the current Labor Health and Safety legislation, indicating the control measures that should be implemented to improve the working conditions offered, as well as the correct compliance with the legal rules.

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(Português) Equipe especialista garante atendimento de excelência


(Português) Atendemos toda e qualquer demanda de natureza jurídico empresarial

Areas of expertise  

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