1. Wilmara Lourenço Santos
  2. Partner

Worked for Itaú, BV Financeira and Bradesco. She has been working for NWADV as a lawyer since 2016, becoming partner in 2018. She coordinates the Tax departments at the Belo Horizonte-MG branch, and the Third Sector nationwide. In the tax area, she serves several renowned companies in their segments, and in the third sector, providing legal advice to philanthropic institutions of great importance in their areas of activity. In 2018, she taught Tax Law I as assistant professor at the Faculdade de Ensino de Minas Gerais – FACEMG. Wilmara is the author of several publications in the tax and third sector areas, such as “Divergências entre imunidade tributária e isenção tributária no terceiro setor” [Differences between tax immunity and tax exemption in the third sector] (CONJUR, 2018), and “O terceiro setor na área da saúde em face da pandemia” [The third sector in the health area in face of the pandemic] (CONJUR, 2020); as well as giving interviews for LEXLATIN and UOL in 2020, on Religious Entities and the Right to Tax Immunity, avoiding the collection of taxes and contributions. Speaker throughout the national territory, she has spoken at conferences such as CONFIES – Conselho Nacional de Apoio às Instituições de Ensino Superior e de Pesquisa Científica e Tecnológica National [National Council for the Support to Higher Education and Scientific and Technological Research Institutions] (“A Viabilidade da Imunidade Tributária para as Fundações de Apoio” [The Viability of Tax Immunity for Support Foundations], 2018 and 2019), OAB /MG (“The Law of Immunity for the Third Sector”, 2018), and festivals such as ABCR (“O impacto da tributação do Projeto de Lei nº3.887/2020 no terceiro setor” [The impact of the taxation of Bill 3.887/2020 in the third sector], 2019).

Areas of expertise

Tax Third Sector


Bachelor of Law at Universidade Salgado de Oliveira Graduate Degree in Tax Law at Damásio Educacional MBA in Labor Law at Centro Universitário Newton Paiva Attending Master’s Degree of Public Law at Universidade FUMEC


Member of the Audit Committee of Instituto Nelson Wilians – INW Member of the Tax Law Commission OAB (Sub-chapter Contagem-MG)

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(Português) Atendemos toda e qualquer demanda de natureza jurídico empresarial

Areas of expertise  

(Português) Presença física em todos os estados brasileiros e atuação internacional


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